Hey guys, it's Paul here and today I want to talk about how to read your paycheck. A lot of times when we go through school, they don't really teach us much about finance. One of the important things when you start working is to look at your paycheck and see how much you get paid. A lot of people have the misconception that if they make fifty dollars an hour and work 80 hours in a two-week pay period, they'll make four thousand dollars. But that's not the case, as there are a lot of taxes and deductions that come out of your paycheck, resulting in you making a lot less. Let's go over the details. A lot of the deductions and taxes on your paycheck include the federal income tax, which everyone has to pay. There's also a state income tax if your state imposes it, as well as a city income tax for cities that impose it. The Social Security tax and Medicare tax are also deducted from your paycheck, along with an lni (presumably referring to L&I or Labor and Industries) deduction. There are also deductions for retirement, health care, and various other things like long-term disability and union dues. There are so many other random deductions that can come up, and as a result, your gross pay will shrink down, leaving you with a lot less take-home pay than you initially thought. Let's start with the very first thing, which is gross pay. Gross pay is basically your hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours you worked, and that amount is before any taxes or deductions are taken out. Now, let's dive into the federal income tax. This is a tax that every single person in the US who is working has to pay. It is...
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Employee Pay Stub Form: What You Should Know
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- Use your indications to submit established track record areas.
- Add your own info and speak to data.
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PDF editor permits you to help make changes to your Employee Pay Stub from the internet connected gadget, personalize it based on your requirements, indicator this in electronic format and also disperse differently.
Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Employee Pay Stub